Conduct & Discipline


Soccer is "a beautiful game", and we must strive to keep the game fun for all. For these reasons, we ask all those associated with KUSC to abide by the following Codes of Conduct:



In those rare cases where people choose not to respect the Codes of Conduct, KUSC follows the Ontario Soccer Association (OSA) Policy, Section 12.0: Discipline, which can be found at this Web location.

The administration of discipline can be slightly confusing or intimidating; the information on this page is provided to shed some light on the issue. The information presented here is meant to help detail the application of the OSA Discipline Policies at KUSC. If there is discrepancy between the information presented here and that provided by the OSA Discipline Policies, the later should be taken as authoritative.

The term discipline refers to the application of the discipline policies in dealing with a case of misconduct by a KUSC registrant; a registrant is a player, a team official, an administrator or a game official. There are a wide variety of misconduct types (as noted at OSA Policy Section 12.0), which range from a player receiving a caution (yellow card), a dismissal (red card) to more serious offences such as assaults. All such cases of misconduct are reported to KUSC, who will determine how they are to be handled using the OSA Discipline Policies.


KUSC can deal with misconduct types that involve KUSC registrants involved in House League and Interlocking League activities. Competitive leagues such as the Eastern Regional Soccer League (ERSL) or the leagues run by our district association (SOSA - The Southeast Ontario Soccer Association) have their own discipline procedures.


Only the OSA and its districts have jurisdiction over referees for discipline; clubs like KUSC have no jurisdiction to discipline referees. Matters involving referee discipline must be referred to the Southeastern Ontario Soccer Association (SOSA).


 There are two general mechanisms that KUSC can use to handle alleged misconduct: Discipline by Review System or Discipline by Hearing System.

The Discipline by Review (D.B.R.) System is used to handle minor misconducts where a specific sanction is quoted in OSA Discipline Policy 9.0. 

  • Such cases are reviewed by a panel who review the facts and award the specified suspension if appropriate.
  • The person accused of the misconduct does not make representation to the review panel.
  • A player who is dismissed from a game (after receiving a red card) has the right to request to be disciplined by the D.B.H. System. They must submit that request in writing or by email to the KUSC Administration Manager within three days of receiving the dismissal, and before the next scheduled discipline review meeting. Registrants asking for a hearing under the D.B.H. System must pay the Request for Hearing Fee prior to the hearing, as per the Club's Schedule of Fees and Fines; the Disciplinary Hearing Administration Fee will be reimbursed if the registrant is found not guilty of the charge.
Discipline decisions made under the D.B.R. System generally cannot be appealed.

The Discipline by Hearing (D.B.H) System is used for more serious misconducts, or for those for which OSA Discipline Policy 9.0 quotes a range of sanctions. 
  • Such cases are heard before a panel, which shall hold a hearing.
  • The accused individual must attend the hearing.
  • Accused under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adviser. An adviser is a person 18 years of age or older who provides advice to any party required to attend a Discipline Hearing including the panel and may not act as a witness nor provide any testimony at the Discipline Hearing.
  • Each party required to attend a Discipline Hearing is entitled to have a maximum of two observers in attendance at the Discipline Hearing in order to ensure that a specific party receives a fair hearing. They may not act as a witness nor provide any testimony but may speak at the discretion of the Discipline Hearing Panel.
  • Each party required to attend a Discipline Hearing is entitled to bring witnesses. Witnesses must appear in person. Written reports by witnesses are not acceptable. There is no limit to the number of witnesses allowed, but they must add new testimony and the Discipline Hearing Panel can restrict the testimony of witnesses if the testimony given becomes repetitious.
  • Discipline decisions made under the D.B.H System can be appealed to SOSA

A player who is subject to a D.B.R. may request to be disciplined by a D.B.H. (except when disciplined for cautions). That request for a hearing must be made within 72 hours of the player receiving a dismissal (red card). The request for a hearing must be made in writing by emailing the KUSC Administration Manager.


In all cases where a penalty has been awarded by D.B.R or the D.B.H. System, the penalty shall be communicated to the accused and their coach (if the accused is a player) within four days of the hearing by email or by phone.


 KUSC will hold generally hold its Discipline Hearings under the D.B.H. system on the second Thursday of each month, as applicable. If Discipline Hearings are scheduled at other times, a minimum of 15 days notice will be given.

Any party required to attend a hearing may request one (1) postponement of a hearing. The party must submit a written request which must be received by the KUSC no later than four days prior to the date of that hearing, stating the reason for requesting the postponement. All such requests must be accompanied by the correct fee as identified in the Club's Schedule of Fees and Fines. Should the request be denied, the fee shall be refunded.

Reviews of offences under the D.B.R. system will be scheduled as required, but will never be sooner than 4 days after the game in which a dismissal/incident has taken place.


 Address any questions or comments you may have regarding discipline to the KUSC Administration Manager, who will forward them to the Director of Discipline.

A printable version of this page is available here.