Help a Player
If you are a family in need of financial support so you can register your child /children
for  KIngston United  Summer Soccer Season

If You are  a person or organization who is interested in helping 
a child play soccer through financial support then please read below!

Help A Child Play Soccer

In today's society  not all families can afford the luxury of enrolling their child in a community recreational program.   Compared to many organized sports SOCCER  is one of the least expensive to participate in, yet it is still may cost too much for many in our community.

Short Term or  Long Term, financial situations can change and the reality is sometimes people just need a little extra help.   Large families with more than one child to enroll in programs may need to apply for financial support.    
Soccer is one activity that can help promote a more active lifestyle. It is fun, simple way for all ages to stay active. 

We want people to know that we can help a child play soccer.  We want children to benefit through a healthy lifestyle.  We want to break down the barriers.

The Kingston United Soccer Club has created a  fund in partnership with the Community Foundation for Kingston & Area and the City of Kingston to help offset fees for eligible families and to ensure children in the area have access to organized soccer.

Please help a child play soccer and make a donation today.  Kingston families need your support!

Who makes donations?  
  • Anonymous Community & Business members make donations
  • The General Community make donations
  • Businesses interested in supporting healthy lifestyles for children  through soccer 
  • People make donations with memorial considerations in mind
  • Project minded school groups / Service Clubs make donations

How do I make a donation?

Click on the link  to be transferred to the Community Foundation's profile on Enter in your donation amount, and click 'Donate Now'. On the next page, you may select the fund you wish to direct your donation to.  See the Drop down menu to select Kingston United SC . Follow the on-screen instructions to complete.

Need to know more about making donations?

Please access this link to find out more information about making donations through the Community Foundation for the benefit of children  in need who want to play soccer with Kingston United Soccer Club.