Complaints Process

The Kingston United Soccer Club (KUSC) can only function because of the involvement and dedication of its members whether they are volunteers, team officials, players, or their families. The vast majority of these KUSC members have our children and players’ best interest at heart, but we understand that there may be occasions when some of them act in contravention of OSA published rules, our Fair Play Codes, or other rules and policies. The process detailed here outlines the approach that KUSC will take when there are complaints.


 KUSC encourages anyone with a complaint to first approach the individual involved in an effort to resolve the issue informally, and without KUSC involvement. We find that the vast majority of issues can be resolved in such an informal manner.


 When individuals feel that they need KUSC to get involved, they must express their concerns to KUSC in writing by sending a letter to KUSC, or by sending an email to the Administration Manager. KUSC will not investigate a complaint unless it has been submitted in writing. The formal written complaint must provide all details necessary for the Club to look into the matter. It must identify individuals involved, the specifics of the incident(s) that gave rise to the complaint, and the players or other individuals affected by the incident.


 Upon receiving a formal complaint from a complainant, KUSC will proceed as follows:

  1. The Club will assign a Director (referred to below as the Investigating Director) to look into the matter. Because complaints can cause tension, it is the Club’s position that they will be dealt with expeditiously, in the best interest of the Club, complainant, and subject of the complaint.
  2. The Club will acknowledge receipt of the complaint in writing.
  3. Should the formal complaint lack required information, the complainant will be notified and asked to provide further details. Should the required information not be provided by the complainant, they will be informed that no further action will be taken by the Club.
  4. The Investigating Director will contact the complainant to gather additional details that were not included in the formal complaint.
  5. The Investigating Director will contact the subject of the complaint to inform them of the complaint, and to seek more information.
  6. At their discretion, the Investigating Director will contact other relevant team officials, players, or families in an effort to obtain more information.
  7. The Investigating Director will share the complaint and their findings with the KUSC Board of Directors and make recommendations. The KUSC Board of Directors will decide what actions, if any, are required in dealing with the subject of the complaint or the complainant.
  8. The KUSC Board of Directors decision regarding the complaint will be communicated to all affected parties, i.e. the subject of the complaint, the complainant, relevant team officials, players, and families.


 Like all other Ontario soccer clubs, KUSC does not have jurisdiction over game officials for discipline, and cannot assess their competence. That authority rests with the Club's district. When KUSC receives a complaint regarding a game official, the Club will either suggest that the complainant contact the Southeastern Ontario Soccer Association (SOSA) or do it on their behalf.


KUSC has no jurisdiction over criminal offenses and such offences should be reported to the police. By law, allegations of abuse of children under the age of 16 must be reported to authorities.


BILL 168 
Legislative Assembly introduced amendment to the the Occupational Health and Safety Act with respect to preventing violence and harassment in the workplace.


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